physical landscape中文什么意思

发音:   用"physical landscape"造句
  • physical:    adj. 1.物质的,有形的,形而下 ...
  • landscape:    n. 1.风景,景致。 2.山水画, ...
  • physical in:    实际输入; 物理连接
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  1. The town planning board should in the future coordinate the utilisation and development of the land in west kowloon , and work towards a physical landscape befitting the cultural district
  2. To some , hku is a conceptual space where ideas are nurtured and dreams take flight . it is a family of communities within a larger community . it is also a physical landscape that both celebrates our history and stands as a gateway to the future
  3. To some , hku is a conceptual space where ideas are nurtured and dreams take flight . it is a family of communities within a larger community . it is also a physical landscape that both celebrates our history and stands as a gateway to the future


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